Saturday, April 9, 2011

How to add a favicon to your Blogger

I have had a lot of trouble with this but I finally figured it out. First of all, a favicon is the little icon next to the address bar or in your bookmarks bar.
1. Make or download a favicon that is 32x32 pixels. You can make one in Photoshop, Fireworks, Gimp, etc. It can be a JPEG, GIF, PNG, or ico file.
2. Post your favicon on your blog somewhere, and click on it. It should bring you to a page with the favicon only, and the URL. The URL should be something like this:, then a bunch of random coding.
3.Click on Dashboard, then design, then on the top left corner it should say "edit HTML" in a little tab.
4. Click that. Now comes the important part. Find in your coding where it says "<title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title>"  (That should be at almost the very top) and also find the line right under it where it says "<b:skin><![CDATA[/*"
5. Then, put a space between those two lines.
6. Type in that space: <link href='LINK OF FAVICON HERE' rel='shortcut icon' type='image/'/>
7. Then, save the template and it should be there.
8. If you have any trouble, comment below saying what you need help with!
    So I really hope this worked!!!
    This is what the coding should look like after! 

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